SAM AD HOC Report Hands-On Training
If you and your team are looking to pull data directly from the SAM “Contract Data” section, then book the Federal Sales Guide, Eileen Kent, to show you how to drive it successfully.
This is a live hands-on, four-hour webinar for (2) people at your organization.
The Federal Sales Guide, who helped GSA test the system when it was moved from FPDS(Federal Procurement Data System) to SAM, will first show you how the system works, then cover the strategy of searches, then she will demonstrate how to pull data from the system.
Once the team is proficient with understanding the data dip process, Kent will help your team members build their own Custom AD HOC Reports in SAM so they can data dip themselves on behalf of your company.
After their personal Custom AD HOC Reports are completed, then Eileen Kent will help them learn how to drive the system and pull their own data, analyze it and then perform a series of Pivot Tables in Excel so they can give you the information you need to make strategic decisions such as: Who buys what you sell, how do they buy it, what contract vehicles they prefer, who are the incumbents and much, much more.
After you have two people at your company proficient at the SAM AD HOC report, you can kiss your contract data subscription software – goodbye.