Your Federal Sales Guide Presents “The Three-Step Program”
You need to invest in the right tools, maps and training to prepare yourself for the mountain of opportunity in the federal marketplace.
The Federal Sales Guide has a Custom Three-Step Program which will get you to your destination of a winning federal opportunity time and time again:
- Step One: The Federal Sales Game: How to Play to Win!
- Step Two: Custom Competitive Analysis Report
- Step Three: Federal Sales Action Plan
Step One: "The Federal Sales Game - How to Play to WIN!"
This is a 2.5-hour live webinar with the Federal Sales Guide, which includes a PPT presentation for you and as many of your sales team members in attendance as you wish. The Federal Sales Guide has trained over 10,000 in federal sales and she has perfected this training to a fast-paced, interactive 2.5-hour event. She will teach you and your team how to understand contracting vehicles such as: GSA Schedules, Governmentwide Acquisition Congrats, IDIQ Contracts, BPAs and BOAs. She will also help you understand how to leverage set-asides such as: 8a, SDVOSB, HUBZone, EDWOSB, WOSB, VOSB, Tribal Contracts. Most importantly, she will show your team how to interact and identify key contacts: what to say and how to position your company in front of an opportunity (rather than writing blind bids.)
The goal of this training is to empower you and your team to call on the federal government decision makers and position your business to capture opportunities before they are competed. The actual lead gathering and selling will be up to you. It’s just like climbing a mountain. The Guide is here to prepare you – but you will have to make the trip yourself to win.
Step Two: "Custom Competitive Analysis Report"
The competitive analysis report is a custom document prepared personally by the Federal Sales Guide, Eileen Kent. In a world of transparency, the federal government has provided a great deal of contracting information about your industry, where the contracts are being written to whom they are being awarded. There are over fifty data elements per contract which allows the Guide to analyze, read, and interpret into plain English to you and your team one-on-one in a 2.5-hour live webinar which we’ll record for future reference. This information will reveal where the government is buying your products and services the most and how they buy the products and services via public bid or limited competition through: IDIQs, BPAs, GSA Schedules, GWACs, or small business set asides via 8a Minority Owned, Service-Disabled Veteran Owned, Woman Owned, Veteran Owned, HubZone or Tribal. This data will reveal who the winners are in your area of expertise, so you know your competition and how much they are winning. This information will also reveal your future teaming partners. The Federal Sales Guide will review this document page-by-page with you, and together, you will decide which agencies are the most likely to buy your products and services and what contracting vehicles they prefer. Many companies on GSA schedule who have gone through this process have been surprised by how much business is NOT being contracted through GSA. Many companies call on the Guide to take this step before they consider even investing in a GSA Schedule Contract. Companies have turned to the Guide to perform this intelligence breakdown to decide whether a company is worth purchasing. Even top consultants turn to Eileen Kent to perform this deep-dive analysis on behalf of their clients. So basically, she is The Federal Sales Guide to other respected Federal Sales Guides in the federal marketplace.
The Federal Sales Guide will provide you with all the original raw data pulled and show you how to read this intelligence so you don’t have to rely on subscription-based systems which can cost between $8,000 and $25,000 a year. You’ll have all the intelligence you’ll need at your fingertips to base your sales and proposal activities for at least 24 months.
This step alone will save you a year in the field and tens of thousands of dollars in subscription-based market intelligence. The competitive analysis report will tell you the truth about what has been happening in the federal marketplace in your business area over the past five years. This is the kind of information most businesses wish they could uncover in the commercial marketplace. The word, “transparency” means gold to federal contractors, and I will help you find the gold.
Step Three: Federal Sales Action Plan
The Federal Sales Guide will construct a custom federal action plan which will be your map to winning opportunities at the agencies you choose as a result of your competitive analysis. It comes in the form of an excel spreadsheet and will allow you to keep track of field intelligence you uncover about each agency and upload to your Customer Relationship Management System. This tool includes links to each agency’s phonebook (if available) and critical data about the agency which applies to your business. The spreadsheet will also help you identify the prime contractors onsite so that you can determine whether it makes sense to partner - or compete with the primes.
This federal sales action plan will be presented in a third 2.5-hour webinar with your sales team. Over the years, your team will use this plan to track their intelligence of names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and track their intelligence in the field.
Finally, you’ll have the tools to:
- Build the legacy and history of each key federal customer relationship.
- Drive opportunities to your company instead of chasing loser blind bids.
- Direct the team based on the truth: field intelligence and contract data.